Saturday, October 24, 2015

Church Week Camp

Last week as a team we were in Tusin ( the Italian part of Switzerland) for a church camp week for people of all ages. As a team our job was to run the children's programs from 0-12 years old and to help out where there is need. It was a great week to get to know the community better that we are working with. One day I worked with the nursery children, two days with the 4-6 year olds and three days with the 7-12 year olds. We did many crafts, played games, told stories, prepared a treasure hunt and sang silly songs together. Each child was taught that they are precious to God, that others are precious to them and that God is precious to the children. This week was very good for practicing German and I am starting to feel that I can at least communicate on a basic level and give simple instructions. I also really enjoyed getting to know some of the youth in the church. It was great to talk to them and to spend time playing games and sports. I also got to know some of the families and elderly as well. It has been great since coming home to see these people in the community and to be able to reconnect. God really showed me once again this week that I am an example even if I can't communicate well, or I am not in a major leadership role he is still using me to reach people. He showed me this by comments like " you are so natural when you are with the teenagers, it seems like you have known them for a long time. They are all focussed on you." Or as I observe the people seeing that some of the younger girls are watching me, barely taking there eyes off and when I smile at them they light up with such joy. It is such a little thing to have a conversation, play a game or give a hug that changes a persons day or week or maybe is a memory that that young person will have for a lifetime. I am very blessed to be able to be apart of this community for this year!

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