Friday, November 13, 2015

Senior Ministry

Once or twice a month we cook a four corse meal for the seniors in the community. This is held at the local church and about  thirty five people attend. This is an amazing time to connect with the people in the community, share a short devotion with them and to serve in a very practical way. They always really enjoy this and after you do this a few times you start to build a relationship with some of them. The first time that we prepared this meal I sat down with some seniors and basically sat in silence because I could only say about three sentences in German and they didn't speak any English. Now it is a lot more fun as there is a couple ladies that I like to sit with that speak some English. We speak half in English, half in German and have really good conversations each time. It is great to hear their stories, learn from them and laugh together. I think my favourite part of doing this is when you are out in the community often you will run into these seniors. They are always concerned with how you are doing, making sure you get on your tram or wondering when they will see you again. As these people are in their last years of life please pray that they will be confident in what happens after death. Also that those who know Christ will feel a need to share their faith to those who may not know the gospel or have not accepted Jesus as their saviour.

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